Ukufudumeza kwelebhu yokufudumeza eyomisa i-oveni 300c 250c
Inkcazo yemveliso eyomisa i-ovens ebonisa iwindow enkulu yokujonga ngokulula. Ingasetyenziselwa ukugcina izixhobo emva kokomisa impumelelo yokufakelwa kwe-shed yesobume be-swipe engaphakathi kunye ne-DG800C / 840C / i-DG800C / i-80C / i-80c icocekile kwaye ixhathise imodeli ye-corrosion ... -
I-oveni eyomileyo
Product Description Drying Oven laboratory drying oven (with fan ventilation) Uses: The drying oven is used in industrial and mining enterprises, research institutes, medical and health units for drying and baking, wax-melting, sterilization and curing. Iimpawu: 1. Iqokobhe lenziwe ngentsimbi esemgangathweni ephezulu, umphezulu unesithukuthezi se-electrostatic, esihle kwaye sinemveliso. The outer is with observation window, which can observe the heating of the material at any... - Inkcazo yemveliso yeLabhoratri iHobhoratri ishushu i-Air rhoqo i-oveni yomisa i-oveni ye-oveni: iqondo lokushisa eliphezulu lobushushu obuqhume ngohlobo olomileyo yi-oveni eyomileyo ngama-300 ° C, ukuba abekwe kwiindawo ezahlukeneyo zokubekwa kwezinto ezivavanyayo. Ilungele ukubhaka, ukomisa, unyango lobushushu kunye nolunye ukufudumeza .Iinto inokusetyenziswa kwicandelo lemizi-mveliso kunye nelebhu. . Characteristics: 1. The high temperature electrothermic blast type dryin...
I-Laboratory ihlala ishushu i-oveni yonke ubungakanani
Product Description Laboratory Constant Temperature desktop Drying Oven Characteristics: 1. The high temperature electrothermicblast type drying oven consists of the chamber, temperature control system,the blastcirculatorysystem. 2. Isifo sithandwa ngabantu abadala esibandayo esiqengqelekayo, i-Mandoversis Spiectrostatic Spraing.I-Inner engaphakathi 3. Iyamthanda i-rongwoolto hlala ithandwa phakathi kwesikhongozeli sangaphakathi kunye neqokobhe. I-4. I-TATE ...