

  • I-300kn / 10kn yoxinzelelo lwe-cescowil yovavanyo lwamandla okuvavanya

    I-300kn / 10kn yoxinzelelo lwe-cescowil yovavanyo lwamandla okuvavanya

    Inkcazo yemveliso ye-Creation Ukunyanzelwa komatshini wokuvavanywa kwamatshini / Ukuxhathisa i-flexiles ephezulu yovavanyo: I-1160 × 500 × 1400 mm; Amandla oMatshini: 0.75kw (i-oyile ye-oyile 0.55 kw); Machine weight: 540kg This tester is mainly used for the compr...
  • I-2000kn ngokuzenzekelayo umatshini wovavanyo lwekhonkrithi
  • Inkcazo yemveliso i-300kn yedijithali yokuvavanya idijithali yedijithali / yovavanyo loxinzelelo lwe-Sye-300 i-Electro-300 ye-hydraulic iqhutywa ngumthombo wamandla we-hyde-300 ye-hydraulic iqhutywa ngumthombo wamandla we-hyde-300 ye-hydraulic ye-hydraulic iqhutywa ngumthombo wamandla we-hyde-300 ye-hydraulic ye-hydraulic iqhutywa ngumthombo wamandla we-hyde-300 ye-hydraulic ye-hydraulic kwaye isebenzisa izixhobo zokulinganisa kunye nezixhobo zokulawula. Inamacandelo amane: Umamkeli woVavanyo, umthombo wamandla ooli (umthombo wamandla omthombo), inkqubo yokulawula kunye nenkqubo yovavanyo, kunye nezixhobo zovavanyo. Owona mkhosi wovavanyo olona vavanyo yi-300kn, kunye nokuchaneka kovavanyo ...
  • I-1000kn yekhompyuter ye-Hydraulic Tensle yovavanyo lokuvavanya
  • Concrete Strength 2000KN 3000KN Compression Testing Machine The testing machine is used to measure the compressive strength of brick, stone, concrete and other building materials. Umatshini wamkela umthombo wamandla e-hydraulic, itekhnoloji yolawulo lwe-electro-hydraulic senso, ukufunyanwa kwedatha yekhompyuter kunye nokulungisa, kwaye ubala amandla oxinzelelo ukuvelisa iingxelo. It is composed of test host, oil source (hydraulic power source), measurement and control system and test apparatus. I-ha ...
  • Cement Mortar 300kN Flexure Compression Testing Machine **Introduction of cement mortar 300kN bending compression testing machine** In the ever-evolving world of construction and materials testing, precision and reliability are of paramount importance. Introducing the Cement Mortar 300kN Flexural Compression Tester, a state-of-the-art solution designed to meet the rigorous demands of modern construction laboratories and research facilities. Lo matshini wovavanyo ophambili yenzelwe ukubonelela ...
  • Ikhonkrithi ye-300kn ikhonkrithi igobe kwaye icinezele umatshini

    Ikhonkrithi ye-300kn ikhonkrithi igobe kwaye icinezele umatshini

    300KN Concrete bending and press machine DYE-300S Cement hydraulic Bending and Compression Testing Machine 300KN Concrete Bending Press: Comprehensive Overview The 300KN Concrete Bending Press is an essential piece of equipment in the construction and civil engineering industries. Designed to test the strength and durability of concrete materials, the machine plays a vital role in ensuring that structures meet safety and quality standards. Ngobuchule bomthwalo wama-300 ii-kilonewtons (i-KN), iMac ...
  • I-Service sensoulic sensoulic yovavanyo lwe-HOSPORTE ye-MEMORORL yovavanyo lwezinto ze-Hydraulial "
  • I-2000kn ikhonkrithi yekhonkrithi yovavanyo lwelebhu

    I-2000kn ikhonkrithi yekhonkrithi yovavanyo lwelebhu

    I-2000kn lectro-i-hydraulic didital ukubonisa uxinzelelo lwamatshini oqhutywa ngumthombo wamandla we-hydraulic, idatha yovavanyo iqokelelwa kwaye igqitywe ngokuthile isixhobo sokulinganisa kunye nokulawula amandla alawulayo. Umatshini wokuvavanya uhambelana nomgangatho wovavanyo lukazwelonke lweProperties "ufanele ukuba ulawule ngesandla isantya sokulayisha, kwaye ulayisha isantya sokubonisa, ulondolozo lwe-Deak, ukuLawulwa kwemisebenzi yokhuseleko ...
Bhala umyalezo apha kwaye uthumele kuthi